Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Prepping your Home for sale

Buyers are on a blind date with your home, and they want love at first sight. So make it pretty. Get rid of heaps of stuff -- have the house cleaned, the interior repainted, the exterior power-washed, and the yard spruced up.

If time and money allow, replace lighting and plumbing fixtures, cabinetry hardware, and maybe those harvest-gold appliances. The new stuff needn't be top-of-the-line, just clean and current.

I urge my sellers to pay for home and termite inspections (about $650 to $750 for both) and fix as much of the little stuff as they can before putting a house on the market. Then I presents the reports and a "work completed" worksheet to buyers, a strategy that inspires higher offers.

With the basics taken care of, it's time for staging -- window dressing your home to increase its appeal.

Staged homes sell more quickly and at the top of their price range compared with similar homes that aren't staged. Stagers declutter if you haven't, rearrange furniture to improve traffic flow and create a sense of spaciousness, and make your decor less reflective of your personal tastes. I often bring an interior designer to aid with this process.

For the full article click the link:  Prepping Your Home

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