Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Realtors Who Don’t Respond May be Hurting their Clients

Sold medium Realtors Who Dont Respond Lose ListingsIf you have a home on the market to sell and your REALTOR® is not returning your calls or e-mails in a timely manner,  what are they doing when another Realtor calls or e-mails them with a question or to present an offer?  Are they treating them the same way?

I believe that this lack of etiquette and business sense should be a red flag when choosing a Realtor.

I have noticed more and more that potential clients are telling me that the previous Realtor they had never returned calls or e-mails.  And when they did,  it was days later, not hours.  I am sorry but that is unacceptable.

I recently had the opportunity to make a presentation for an expired listing.  The gentleman was a very methodical person who spent a great deal of time and detail evaluating everything before making a decision.  When the time came for him to interview Realtors,  he sent out an e-mail to all the Realtors that had contacted him about listing his home for sale.  In the body of the e-mail he asked that we each call him so that he could interview each of us over the phone.  From there he would invite a select few to have a face-to-face interview with him.

Well,  I responded within an hour of receiving his e-mail, made it to the face-to-face interview and received the listing.  When I asked him what made him choose me over my competitors, he told me it was my responsiveness to his e-mail and follow up with him afterwards.  In all,  he was initally contacted by seven different Realtors.  Out of those seven only two responded back to his e-mail request within 24 hours.  His theory was if they did not respond to him in a timely manner to market his home,  what were they going to do when other Realtors called or e-mailed them with questions or an offer on his home.

It is a tough economic time for everyone right now.  Some Realtors have gotten out of the business and others have resorted to taking on part-time jobs to supplement their income until things get better.  But I  know that you are entrusting me  with the largest purchase or transaction a person is going to make in their lifetime.  I owe it to you to respond to them, or anyone inquiring about the property, in a timely manner?

I am looking forward to doing business with you.

Thanks Dave Decicco for the info.

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